Who ya Got?

So last night before we went on air at the Overlook Lounge, a few topics came up that i thought would be fun to debate. As of Week 5, who ya got?
Thumb Player of the year?

Thumb Coach of the year?

Thumb Team of the year?

let the debates begin.


You got my picks last night.

Player - Jordan Kauffman - Ubly

Coach - Scott Cuthrell

Team - Millington

Of course all these could change in the next four weeks, but as of now these are pretty good picks.
Anonymous said…
Player-Without a doubt Austin Babich from Cass City

Coach-Mike Campbell is the face of that town gets put though hell and he is still there he deserves it every year

Team-Cass City

And jus so you know i am not from Cass City or Mayville
Anonymous said…
Player: Jordan Kauffman

Team :Ubly

Coach: Tim Furno

IMO I don't think a team that is on top only because other teams are beat up badly should get awards for it. (Cass City)
Anonymous said…
How about dividing Player of the Year into offense and defense. It seems that most of those recognized will be for their rushing, passing or receiving ability. What about those that put their heart and soul into the defensive side of the line?
Anonymous said…
I think that is a great idea.
Andrew Selich said…
Why would we do that? In the Thumb, most of the kids play both sides of the ball and that is taken into consideration when we pick the playefr of the year.
Besides, when was the last time a defensive player won the Heisman?
Anonymous said…
To answer the question it was 1997 - Charles Woodson from The University of Michigan. He is still the only primarily defenseive player to win the award.

Some times a Linebacker may play offensive guard, but still be the best defensive player in the thumb. He is very valuable to his team as a guard but doesn't get the publicity a QB or RN gets on offense. If it is the same person that wins the offensive and defensive player of the year, great! Even better for him, but many times it may not be the same person and it would allow the opportunity for another player to get some well deserved recognition.
ChadWingert said…
I have to agree with Andrew. Giving out two player of the year awards is pointless with the amount of kids that play both ways. Chances are that if the kid is a standout on offense, he is a standout on defense too. You hardly see one kid that is horrible at one and outstanding at the other.
ChadWingert said…
One last point, someone above made the comment that Cass City should not get team of the year because of the rest of the GTW being battered and bruised.
Listen, because teams like Reese and USA are having off years(some due to injury, some due to lack of turnout) does not undermine what other teams is doing. The Reese/Cass City game was early enough in the year where injuries did not completely take over that team.
I think Cass City and Scott Cuthrell deserve alot of credit for what was is being done over there. Do they get my team of the year vote? No. But you cannot take away from what they have done because of the failure of other teams.
Anonymous said…
I think CC showed what they are really made of last week against BCAS. They played Reese in week 5, well after Reese had lost many kids to injury. While USA is really down this year they also lost their two top offensive threats who also were 2 or 3 year starting D-backs, and they also lost their middle linebacker. I'm wouldn't call that a failure of those teams, but an unfortunate turn of events.

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