Where has the time gone. It's hard to believe that four weeks of the 2007 high school football season have come and gone. I spent all weekend nursing a cold (which I'm not entirely over yet) and I tried to watch the entire Michigan-Notre Dame game (the Suphredrine had kicked in with about four minutes to go)....beside watching a predictable UM offense beat up on a bad ND team, here's some questions and thoughts on area teams with four games in the bag... Tri-Valley East Is Millington is the real deal? Yes . The Cardinals are averaging over 40 points a game in their first four games, and yes, the wins have come against Mt. Morris, Bridgeport, North Branch and Caro...not the most impressive list of opponents. But it's the way that Furno and crew are winning games, with a dominant defense, a tough running game and a senior quarterback who has great command over the offense. Dustin Griesing is, hands down, the best QB in the Thumb. The kid is smart, runs the ball ex...
Player - Jordan Kauffman - Ubly
Coach - Scott Cuthrell
Team - Millington
Of course all these could change in the next four weeks, but as of now these are pretty good picks.
Coach-Mike Campbell is the face of that town gets put though hell and he is still there he deserves it every year
Team-Cass City
And jus so you know i am not from Cass City or Mayville
Team :Ubly
Coach: Tim Furno
IMO I don't think a team that is on top only because other teams are beat up badly should get awards for it. (Cass City)
Besides, when was the last time a defensive player won the Heisman?
Some times a Linebacker may play offensive guard, but still be the best defensive player in the thumb. He is very valuable to his team as a guard but doesn't get the publicity a QB or RN gets on offense. If it is the same person that wins the offensive and defensive player of the year, great! Even better for him, but many times it may not be the same person and it would allow the opportunity for another player to get some well deserved recognition.
Listen, because teams like Reese and USA are having off years(some due to injury, some due to lack of turnout) does not undermine what other teams is doing. The Reese/Cass City game was early enough in the year where injuries did not completely take over that team.
I think Cass City and Scott Cuthrell deserve alot of credit for what was is being done over there. Do they get my team of the year vote? No. But you cannot take away from what they have done because of the failure of other teams.