We Play To Win The Game!


MSHS Coach Joe Papin responds on NMU hockey broadcast Sunday night.

OK, first off: This has NOTHING to do with Tuscola Co. But it has EVERYTHING to do with high school sports.

Saturday night, after 8 overtimes in the MHSAA Division 1 State Finals for hockey, the game was called a tie (1-1) between Orchard Lake St. Mary's and Marquette Senior High.

Yup, co-champions!

What the truck is that about?

What if this was a semi-final game? Would they have stopped it? No. It was the easy, "Bud Selig" way to do it. And forget about a shootout. That is an NHL regular season thing to do. This is the playoffs. You play to see who is the best.

Heck, why have playoffs? Let's just award every kid a medal and a state championship trophy at the end of the season for every sport. Forget next weekend at the Breslin. Congrats to all the teams that made the quarterfinals. The season is over. You all win. Hang a banner now!


Regardless, congrats to the Redmen and Eaglets for a great game that will always be "what if?"

Second longest game in high school hockey history (according to some people) and for sure, the longest game in MHSAA hockey history.

I feel bad that this game will just teach kids around the state that as long as you work hard enough to get there, that's all that matters.

Everyone is going to have an opinion on this. Some will see this as a way to protect the kids from getting hurt (it's hockey, that happens); some will see this as a cop-out by the MHSAA (my hand raised here); and some will just be like: 'whatever'. I just think that years from now, the kids will be kicking themselves for not finishing this game some how.


Another black eye for the MHSAA and crew. How do you award co-champs? There is always a winner and a loser. I hate to say this (sorry Bassett) but this is the soccer mom influence taking over.

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