Reese will be looking for new bench boss

In breaking news from Tuesday night...Reese High School basketball coach Jeff Casler has announced his retirement from coaching the Rockets.

Read more here (read the story at

Congrats to Coach Casler for leaving with a Class C Coach of the Year honor and a perfect regular season in the books.

Also...this from the MHSAA...
Joshua Campbell (center) of Kingston High School was honored as a recipient of the Michigan High School Athletic Association's Scholar-Athlete Award at the 2008 MHSAA Boys Basketball Finals at the Jack Breslin Student Events Center in East Lansing on March 15. Shown with Campbell are: John E. "Jack" Roberts, executive director of the MHSAA (left) and Jim Robinson, executive vice-president of Farm Bureau Insurance. Campbell will receive a $1,000 scholarship from Farm Bureau Insurance to be used at the institution of higher learning he attends this fall. Farm Bureau Insurance awarded 32 scholarships, proportionately by school classification to students with 3.50 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average who have previously lettered in at least one sport in which post-season competition is sponsored by the MHSAA. (Photo by John Johnson, Okemos, Mich.)


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