Happy New Year!!

Been quiet around here.
I've been under a self-imposed sabattical around here lately. With not much going on in the area as far as sports are concerned, and with it being the holiday season and all....I just decided to take a break from posting for a week or two.
But now with the new year here, and with the one or two people out there who hopefully read this crap patiently waiting for more non-sensical ramblings from my mind.....well, I guess that means we're back in the saddle again.

Furno's in.
After years of being ignored by those in charge, Millington head football coach Tim Furno is finally getting a little 'long-overdue' repect.
This April, Furno will be among the 2008 honorees when he is inducted into the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame in a ceremony to be held at Chrysler Arena in Ann Arbor.
As a former Millington football player, all I can say is that it's about damn time!
Coach Furno has been the head man for the Cardinals since 1978. In that time, he has accumulated a 189-106 record, seven league titles, two regional titles along with sending almost a dozen or more players onto playing football at the collegiate level.
The most amazing thing to me is that, after 30 years as the coach, Furno still manages to remain relevant to the game. A lot of area coaches burn out or the game just happens to pass them bye after a dozen or so years.
Chesaning's Jim Szappan just announced his retirement a few weeks ago after just 12 years on the job. A few days later, St. Charles' Bob Welzein retired after 25 years in charge of the Bulldogs, so the fact that Furno still has the drive and desire to coach is worthy of your respect.
Think about how great of an area this is for high school football coaches. In the Tuscola County area, the induction of Coach Furno means that we have three-area coaches who are in the Hall of Fame.
Furno joins Kingston's Mike Rea and Frankenmuth's John Blankenship, meaning that nearly one-fourth of the thirteen varsity football coaches in this area are hall of famers.
Now, Furno just needs 11 wins to have 200 for his career, a mark that Blankenship and Rea should also pass sometime within the next season or two.
Think about that.....600 career wins between just three coaches!
As I said before, I played for Furno for two years (1990-91). I can remember a time when Millington football wasn't exactly the envy of the league.
For years, we floundered in mediocrity. We were a laughing stock in the Tri-Valley conference.
That all changed in the early 1990s.
Nowadays, Millington has been a winning program for so long, that kids who are now playing have never known a time when the Cardinals were anything but one of the best.
And the one person who is the link in the chain between those eras of Millington football is Tim Furno.
So, with that being said....congratulations Coach Furno!

Redford's on a roll.
With another 37 points last Thursday in East Lansing, Frankenmuth's Brad Redford continues to score a a record pace.
Redford has scored 258 points so far this season, all in just seven games. A lot of ballplayers in the area won't score that many all season, but a lot of area ball players are not Division I caliber players.
With the Eagles now 7-0...don't be shocked if Redford and his team run the table and win the TVC-E and maybe even make a pust at 20-0.
We'll see this next Tuesday, when Frankenmuth plays Buena Vista. The Knights are not great this season, but they area BV, so they will always carry the reputation as a tough basketball team.

Check out the game on-line.
Speaking of Frankenmuth's game at MSU, check out the podcast of the game at www.tuscolatoday.com.
Jon Sicotte and I made the trip down to East Lansing and recorded both the Reese-Lansing CC game and the Frankenmuth-Leslie games.
To quote F'muth Tim Crawford, "It was a great day of basketball for the Thumb."
Both teams played great, and they represented the Thumb area with a lot class and pride. So check out the games and let me know how we did.


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