The gunfight is over

Now that the smoke has cleared, the dust has settled, and the noxious odor of gas has's time to talk some sports.

THE CLASH...We should have updated the TCA website but we forgot...oh well.
Caro made it a game for a while last night, but Cass City methodically put the Tigers away, winning the M-81 Clash last night by a score of 66-58.
Caro was ahead 17-10 in the first, but the Tigers just couldn't keep Andrew Martin down.
The lanky senior scored 12 of his 19 points in the second half and picked up the MVP award along the way.
The Red Hawks have some talent, but I can't help but wonder if their record up to this point(6-1) has been built on beating bad teams...
The good news for coach Fernald is that, Martin missed the first month of the year, and he looks like he is healthy, so the start gave others on the Cass City roster a chance to play ball.
We'll see this Friday when the Hawks play host to USA...should be a good one.

The Kings of the Palace...We went to the Palace today for the Kingston-Port Hope game, and the Blue Stars got exactly what we thought they would get, as the Cards overpowered the smaller Stars, 67-15.
Kingston just overwhelmed the Stars, holding them to zero points in the second quarter; in fact, the Stars went the whole second, third, and half of the fourth without a field goal.
The game was fun, I took a lot of pictures, and I even made my broadcasting debut when I joined Jon and Dave on the air for the second half, but the game was long over before it ended.
Kingston needs a new league!
The Cards have progressed beyond the NCTL and its time to make a move.
How about a reshuffling of the GTC like the TVC did?
The Tri-Valley West split in two this year, with the smaller schools joining the Tri-Valley 'C' division.
You could the same thing with the smaller schools in the GTC.
I want to see a Kingston-USA game!!

North Branch volleyball keeps rolling...The Broncos have now won 26 games in a row, running their record to 26-0-1. When spring gets here, I feel like coach Fish and his girls might have what it takes to win it all.

Three to watch (hoops):
1. Tristin Pennington, Kingston...The Cards 6-4 senior is deceptively quick afoot, has great hand-eye coordination, and can also score (16 at the Palace today.)
2. Brady Rupprecht, Vassar...The Vulcans center is the area's leading rebounder (12.8) and the only one in double figures in the TCA area.
3. Travis Thompson, Caro...Coach Brad Brown has an emerging star in the athletic forward. Last night, Thompson scored 23 points and he looks like he's just getting better.


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