Awww...all this fuss over little old me

Seems I've struck a chord with some comments I made regarding the Akron-Fairgrove basketball team.
Let me clarify...
I was not trying to be negative about the Vikings. I was merely relaying some info about the team that I had heard. I guess I should have used a different term than 'rumor'...that was my mistake.
It is not a rumor that Westover is having a difficult time keeping his kids's a fact. Westover told Jon Sicotte that he feels like his kids don't care anymore, and how could they when get annihilated by Kingston 71-9.
That's embarrasing!
Injuries and team sickness aside, none of that would have mattered against Kingston. The Vikes still would have lost by a ton.
I'm surprised that anyone who would read the entry viewed it as negative...that was not my intention. It was a call to arms...a quest to find out what exactly the Vikings are fighting for. I mean, if they're not playing for pride, then what are they playing for?
I find it interesting and a little flattering that I was called out in such a manner. Just means that people are reading, and that's the intent of any be read. I don't really care if people agree with me, that's their right.
To call my entry appalling...well, I feel that borders on hyperbole.
With everything going in the world today, wars, famine, genocide, etc., to call a blog entry about a little high school basketball team appalling...well, that just seems a little silly.
I respect Dave Bossick for his work in the past and for the work he continues to do. I have lived in this area my whole life, I have read Dave's articles for the Advertiser in the past, and I always thought they were of the upmost quality.
Dave has devoted his life to that of reporting sports in a fair and honest way, and that is respectable.
To work in this profession requires a certain passion for sports, for the written word, and for the ultimate truth. I believe that is our charge as search for the truth, to find it, and then report it to those who would seek it.
So, Dave, thanks for reading.
As for the career advice, thanks but no thanks. I already made my resolution list and selling out my beliefs just so people's feelings don't get hurt didn't make my list this year.
Thank you for your support though.
As I stated, I don't believe that anything I said was out of line, and I stand by my words.
I do think that the criticism of Bossick by those in the area is uncalled for.
I think it's great that he cares enough about this area that he continues to be a voice of support for the athletes and the schools in the thumb.
Who cares that he now lives in Wisconsin?
In today's digital age, anyone can get info about things from all over the don't have to live somewhere just to know about the general info that comes out from that area.

Last night...Kingston (as stated above) and USA both won, which makes the Cards and the Patriots both 6-0. Should both teams go undefeated, it will make for an interesing discussion when it comes time to pick an All-Thumb team of the year.


Anonymous said…

All's I was asking was for you to measure your choice of words more carefully. Ask some of the former part-time sports guys there, above anything else remember this: whatever it is we write, it gets clipped and saved in scrapbooks for all time. Read into that statment any way you want. I wouldn't call it selling out, either.

Whenever you want to talk, feel free to e-mail me or fire off a call (pretty easy guy to get a hold of). I meant what I wrote today: I absolutely want the continued success of the sports at The Advertiser. You're part of the legacy now. It's not something I took lightly and I hope you don't either.

Best wishes,


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