Bill Khan

Apparantly Bill Khan does not recall calling Vassar cupcakes. Qudos to whoever sent him the cupcakes.

Bill Khan The Flint JournalThese goodies were left for Bill Khan after Vassar upset Beecher, contrary to his pick last week.
FLINT, Michigan — There was a package waiting for me when I arrived at work Monday morning, compliments of my “friends in Vassar.”
I was relieved to find out it wasn’t ticking.
Gee, I didn’t know I had any friends in Vassar — or many other places, for that matter.
Knowing that I and everyone else on the planet who predicts such things picked Beecher to beat Vassar in the first round of the state football playoffs, I was curious what I wrote that caused a Vulcans supporter to single me out with a package of small black-and-orange cupcakes.
Did I say something about Vassar playing a cupcake schedule? That would only seem logical (sorry, couldn’t resist a bad Vulcan pun).
View full sizeRyan Garza The Flint JournalVassar's Troy Hecht runs the ball past the Beecher defense Friday night. Nope. All I wrote in our online picks was this: Vassar hasn’t seen a team with Beecher’s speed. The Vulcans had better hope for a muddy field to neutralize things a bit. Even then, Beecher has proven it can win with its defense when the offense isn’t clicking. Pick: Buctown
My brief preview on the game was even more benign, simply giving stats of the top Vassar players and noting that fifth-ranked Beecher was 9-0 for the first time since 1952 (if you count a victory over Flint Northern’s JV) or since 1949 (if you don’t).
My experience in picking football games is that the school you picked against isn’t trying to be nice when you receive a CARE package from said school. So, needless to say, I didn’t eat any of the cupcakes. Hey, momma didn’t raise no dummy. I ain’t fallin’ for the old Ex-Lax in the dessert trick!
Assuming the cupcakes were harmless, may I make one request? The next time I pick against Vassar — like this week against Millington, for instance — could someone send me a bag full of Baby Ruths or put a box of Drumsticks with my nameon them in the freezer at The Flint Journal? I know I shouldn’t make demands when someone gives me a free gift, but it’s how I roll.
By the way, my name was spelled wrong on the message left on the cupcakes. It read: “To Bill Kahn, from your friends in Vassar. Go orange!”
Don’t sweat it, though. Everybody spells my last name wrong. I’ve thought about changing it to Jones, especially for e-mail purposes since e-mail servers aren’t as forgiving about misspellings as I am.


Anonymous said…
I didn't think the guy was an idiot when he called Vassar a "cupcake," but since he has absolutely no clue as to why the cupcakes were sent to him, now he's a sure-fire jackass.

He couldn't have been more of a prick in that latest article. I'm not sure if that was Bill Khan or Drew Sharp.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Must be a reporter thing; Bill Khan is more worried about the spelling of his name than the obvious “cupcake game” gaff. I'm sure that Kristan and Andru Celikch aren't sensitive about someone spelling their names correctly.
Jon Sicotte said…
Or John Secott, Sicote, Seacot, ummm...forget it

I'm glad someone ran with my idea! Thanks to whoever! Make yourself known!
Anonymous said…
Well John, your family could expect problems with your last name after they changed the spelling. When was it when they changed the spelling from "Cicotte"? Was that shortly after the 1919 World Series?
Jon Sicotte said…
Long story short on that one...All Ciquot's (the French spelling, I think that's how it was spelled) are the same family, starting with Jean Ciquot helping found Montreal back in the early 1600s
When the family started to get bigger and people started to move to the states the names got changed coming across the bored in the late 1700s/early 1800s.
The Cicotte's came across Windsor into Detroit while the Sicotte's came across the Soo Locks into the U.P.
There, now you know too much about us...LOL
USA Fan said…
I love it! I hope someone sent Bil Con (lol) a copy of his words to help him remember what he wrote.
Jon Sicotte said…
Someone posted a response on the website to this story I believe.

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