Craziest Gyms in the Thumb?

I had a discussion lately with some area folks about the toughest gymnasium to play a basketball game. The area is full of great venues past and present, so please share your thoughts here. I have two, one from personal experience and another from having the pleasure to announce high school basketball on the radio.

First, the gymnasium in Sebewaing has to be a very intimidating place for opponents to enter. The bleachers are tall, so the crowd seems to be right on top of you. The banners for championships are aplenty, and the place is always packed and loud. Very tough for an opponent.

Secondly, from my own experience, Vassar was the toughest place for me to play when I was in high school. Vassar is an older gym with the student section of bleachers right behind one of the baskets. When the place is packed it is almost impossible, to have a coherent thought on that side of the court as an opponent of the Vulcans. Great place!

Past or present, I am looking for your thoughts. I know there are some gyms that are no longer around that need to be mentioned.

State Rankings - Brown City is the only girl's team now ranked in the state. They come in with 33 points and a number nine ranking in Class C. Sandusky and Reese dropped out of the top ten but are still recognized with 16 and 9 points respectively. USA (9), Ubly (2), and Dryden (1) have made some noise as well. Kinde-North Huron is now at number five in Class D on the boys side. USA has made some noise with 13 points in Class C.

Playoffs - It may not happen, but odds are that the Akron-Fairgrove boy's district final will be BCAS vs. Kinde-North Huron. That should be a very good game.

This just in across the wire, Kingston's Whitney Fox is transferring to Sandusky. The sophomore point guard has led the Lady Cards to a 10-9 record this year, while averaging 13.7 points per game. Fox will transfer this week, and will not play for Kingston at Dryden this Friday or in district play next week. I will have more as I try to speak with Kingston coach Dave Lester later today.


Anonymous said…
I've been in the USA gym when it has been truly packed with the balcony bleachers out and filled and standing room only. Games with Reese and Lakers back in the day and some great games also in the district and regional tournaments. That place gets so loud you can't hear yourself think. Awesome! Sandusky has a wonderful gym but the bleachers are farther away so you don't get the same atmosphere.
ChadWingert said…
USA and Lakers are GREAT atmosphere's when they are packed to the ceiling, otherwise they can seem so quiet and empty. But I think Reese has to be up there on the list. Such a tough gym to play in with the solid crowds every night, and the students always show up.
Anonymous said…
We are getting a little further away from the thumb, but Frankenmuth's gym (when it's full) is a great venue for a game. The place is loud, the student section takes up a ton of space and gets into it (at least last year, not this year so much), and the place gets pretty intense.

Also, Birch Run's gym is nasty to play in. The acoustics in there are horrible. Everything echoes and it makes on-court communications very difficult.

You are very correct with Muth and Birch Run. Muth is so large that the place is just huge when it is packed, and the complete opposite with Birch Run. It is small and very hard to communicate.
Anonymous said…
I agree about the USA gym when the crwod is small can seem very quiet and empty. That is the downside of having a large gym. With a small gym like Reese, Ubly or Harbor Beach it doesn't take many people to fill the gym but when you load those big gyms up for a huge game the atmosphere is unreal. I've never been to Frankenmuth's gym, how many does it hold?
Anonymous said…
Vassar's gym is unlike anyother in the thumb. It's tough to shoot freethrows into the crowd in the 2nd half. Though it didn't seem to bother Brandon Bitzer a few weeks ago. Still a different look and good home court advantage..
Anonymous said…
Previous comments nailed my answers. Cass City can get raucous, too, especially when it gets to standing room only and that includes the balcony.

I really like Vassar's gym, too. The confines are tremendous and if the students get going, it's like no other in the Thumb.
Anonymous said…
From personal experience, Reese and USA are very tough to play in. They generally have good teams, so the crowds pack the place night in and night out.

While I wouldnt say its a crazy gym, I always hated playing at Bay City All Saints. That gym is so tiny and the fans (re: students) can be downright nasty sometimes.
Andrew Selich said…
I think the toughest gym in the Thumb for a visiting to play has to be Brown City. It's small, the fans are right on top of the action and it's painted a dark green (which makes it seem really dark.)
I personally don't care for the mini-arenas (like North Branch).
The best gyms are:
1. Vassar (because I like the student seating behind the basket)
2. Ubly - great gym...
3. Brown City
4. Kingston
5. Cass City
I don't like the upper-level mezzanine look...but I do like the way Cass City is.
The all time worst to play in was the old North Branch gym. Small, and hosed by the officials every time.

you are so correct with the old gym in NB, it was the worst to play in.
Anonymous said…
Assuming we are only talking or picturing or referring to a boys basketball event, here is my take:

As an offical, BC All-Saints is the worst. Then Lakers. The best: Bad Axe (no one is there).

As far as lighting, CC is probably the brightest gym I've been in. Worst: Ubly

As a coach, Memphis is terrible. Nothing like knowing you have a 1.5 hour drive to get home. Best: Akron-Fairgrove (you know you'll get a win).

As a regular fan, Birch Run's stinks, especially if they are hosting a district tournament. That goes for Ubly as well. Third, Mayville - it's never a competitive game. Best: Sandusky - plenty of room, especially at tournament time. Second, USA - it's probably going to be a good game.

As a student: Worst - Lakers (don't expect any breaks). Best - USA (You know the game will be good, packed,...and the ladies are cute).

As a player, Bad Axe's gym is HUGE and you feel like you'll never catch your breath. Best: Bad Axe again. You know you'll win and it's a quick ride home.

As an employee, O-G's is nothing special.

As a tourist, North Branch stinks. No place to eat!?!? Second, Deckerville - middle of freain' nowhere.
Anonymous said…
lol, anonymous. Sounds like you gotta get a life...err wife!
Bryan Bassett said…
I will agree with Christian...the old NB gym was horrible. While it was not known for being crazy, Michigan Lutheran Seminary had a very strange setup and was a tough place to play...and if we really want to go back a bit how about the old carpet floor at Valley Lutheran?

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