The rumors of my demise...

Are true!

Yup, time for this saddle-sore podunk to hit the trails.

I am leaving the Advertiser after two and a half years.

I recently accepted a job offer from the Crawfordsville Journal Review ( where I will cover high school, college and pro sports for a six-day-a-week newspaper.

The city is about 45 minutes from Indianapolis and 30 minutes south of Purdue University. So I will get my fill of Colts, Pacers, Boilermakers, Hoosiers along with some Cubs and White Sox poured in for good measure.

My last day at the TCA is this Friday and I start at the JR next Monday.

In my leave, Chad Wingert will fill-in as interim Sports Editor at the paper while Christian Selich is still searching for a partner for radio broadcasts. The two of them, along with the Lapeer County Press' Andrew Selich and Bryan Bassett, along with Advertiser freelancer photographer Chris Wilcox will still be a part of the Pre-Game Show on Mix 92.1FM.

I won't be gone completly, as I will help with the Pigskin Prophets picks for this year for the paper.

I got to make some great friends, know some great coaches and watch some great athletes. I wish the best to the staff at the paper, the radio station and to all in the Tuscola County Area.


Anonymous said…
Jon: Good luck on your new assignment, however, the Thumb area will be the loser on this one. You did a fantastic job and I really enjoyed your work. Best wishes to you in the future.

Jon Sicotte said…
Thanks OMG.

It was tough at first to decide.

But the opportunity to cover Big 10 football/basketball, the Colts, Pacers and one of the best football teams in DIII (Wabash College) along with staying in prep sports was really hard to turn down.

Plus the chance to be a columist will be a challenge as I am not really a big "opinon" guy (I leave that to Andrew).
Andrew Selich said…
And just when you 'found' your swing. We'll make sure to toast a few back on Friday!!

Anonymous said…

Good luck with your new job. It was great working with you. You will be sorely missed in the Thumb. Keep in touch. Dave
Jon Sicotte said…
Thanks Dave, good luck this season. I hope the best for your team and your family!

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