Lions are done.

Say goodnight, Millen.
Did anyone really believe that four weeks ago, when a blowout victory over Denver gave the Lions a 6-2 record, that Detroit was playoff-bound?
I said it at the time--I told my brother that the Lions would lose their next eight games and finish with a 6-10 record. Was I crazy, or just some mystic with the ability to see up to two months into the future?
Now that Roy Williams is out for the rest of the season, Lions fans might as well pick another team to root for or jump on the Patriots' bandwagon, because, like a thanksgiving turkey that has been in the oven for six hours; the Lions are done!
The sad thing is....given their recent history, six wins is an improvement for the Lions. But, after six wins in their first eight games, a 6-10 record would be anything but a success.
What happened to the Lions? How did they get here? Well, I can only speculate from what I see on T.V (because no way could I stomach a performance like yesterday's in person), so here goes.
-The running game is lousy. 23 yards rushing yesterday was all the Lions could muster against the Vikings, which is pathetic. Ofcourse, this is the team that rushed for something like one yard against Arizona and has yet to have a player top the 100-yard mark this season. What made yesterday worse was that the Lions passed on Adrian Peterson, who torched Detroit for 116 yards and two TD's on just 15 carries, so that we could draft another wide receiver in Calvin Johnson. What has Johnson shown this year to prove that he was worthy of such a high draft spot? Ofcourse, with the Lions make-shift offensive line, if we had drafted Peterson, he would just become the next Kevin Jones.
-The Lions have no talent. One mark of a great general manager is the ability to find talent in the draft. Name one great player that GM Matt Millen has drafted while he has been in charge of the Lions. Go ahead, and don't say Roy Williams, because, while he is good player, he is not on the level of such WR's like Randy Moss, Chad Johnson or Terrell Owens.
-The coaches (and the GM) are clueless. Morhnenweg, Mariucci and now Marinelli...three strikes usually means the batter is sent back to the bench. But in the case of Matt Millen, that rule doesn't appear to apply.
Millen has the worst six-year record of any general manager in the history of the NFL and his latest selection as coach of the Lions doesn't seem to have the answers to fix this problem either. Ofcourse, if had some talent....who knows what he might be able to do.
The answer to the Lions' problem seems obvious to everyone in the world whose name is not William Clay Ford....the problem is not only Matt Millen but inadequate ownership.
That's why I've always been a Steelers fan.

BCS has got to go. What a mess. LSU and Ohio St. are now going to face off for the National Championship game, even though Oklahoma, USC, Kansas and even Hawaii (and probably a few others) all have legitimate claims to playing for the title.
What we should all do is just boycott the bowl games....don't watch any of them. Who cares about the Champs Sports Bowl? Who cares about the Chik-Fil-A Bowl or the 'who really cares about this big business that makes all their products in China or Taiwan, thus denying hard-working Americans a decent job because the business can make more money by paying foreign workers $.25 an hour to work fifteen hours a day, thus ensuring that their CEO is a multi-millionaire' Bowl.
My suggestion, if you hate the BCS as much as I do....put down the remote on New Year's Day and take your kids outside and play a game of backyard football. You'll get some exercise, your kids will be happy and if enough of us do it, then maybe those in charge will listen and finally agree that a playoff is needed.


Anonymous said…
I had to find the men's room a few times Sunday.
Anonymous said…
1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

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