TCA top ten makes me laugh

Lets see how this one sits. Week number two of the Advertiser's Top Ten in football was released, and after nearly throwing up and laughing at the placement of the teams, I though I'd put it here.
1. Harbor Beach 2-0 39 pts
2. Reese 2-0 38 pts (2)
3. Birch Run 2-0 33 pts
4. Millington 2-0 32 pts (2)
5. Frankenmuth 2-0 30 pts (1)
6. Garber 2-0 21 pts
7. Ubly 1-1 18 pts
8. Peck 2-0 15 pts
8. Deckerville 2-0 15 pts
10. USA 14 pts

Last week I was accused of having a Tuscola County bias by members of the misinformed public, but after the votes were all cast, I think I know where the bias lies.
Honestly, does anyone out there in the Thumb truly believe that Peck is a better team than USA? Or even Deckerville? How could Millington drop 63 points on Bridgeport and then fall from first to fourth? Do we really think that Harbor Beach (who is number one without a number one vote...figure that one out) is better than Birch Run? I know these things are all in fun and are meant to merely spark debate...well, in this case only the latter applies!!
Without a doubt in my mind, Millington and Birch Run are the two best teams in the area, followed very closely by Reese and Garber, with Harbor Beach right in there too.
I guess my main problem isn't really with the top (although I disagree) its mainly with the inclusion of Peck. No way are they a better team than USA!

Going to Marlette. This Friday, I'll be at the Cass City-Marlette game (because after all, we at the TCA care about more than just TVC-E teams) and I am anxious to see this Red Hawks running game. In a 22-15 win over Laker last week, the Hawks rushed for 399 yards as a team, led by Blake Messing's 191 and two scores.
And I want to see if Marlette is as good as the 47-0 win over Kingston or as regular as the 43-22 loss to Ubly.
This is the third game of Cass City's first four on the road. The Hawks don't play at home until September 22, when at that point they could very easily be 4-0 with four of their last five games all at home.
Sounds pretty good for coach Scott Cuthrell.

Thanks for the comments. There must have been something in the air last week, as readers of this blog posted 29 comments on here. That's got to be a record. Maybe we can top it this week.


Mumbles said…
I'll forget about the little shots you took at me.

But holly crap, what a messed up poll. I know you guys have four coaches along with you and Jon selecting the top 10, but I would suggest that your votes count more because the coaches you have picking are flat out of their minds.

Here is the TCA Top 10 as I see it.

1. Millington
2. Birch Run
3. Reese
4. Harbor Beach
5. Garber
6. Frankenmuth
7. Deckerville
8. USA
9. Ubly
10. Cass City

How can Cass City be left off the list? The NCTL is nice, but there's no way an NCTL team should be on this Top 10. Deckerville or USA would run circles around Peck.

As you know, I love the GTC, but there's no way Harbor Beach should be your number 1 team. Don't get me wrong, they're good, but not better than Millington or Birch Run.

Also, how can Ubly be ranked ahead of USA. Two 1-1 teams and USA beat Ubly, so USA gets the nod over Ubly.

This time, I'm not trying to start trouble, but seriously this poll is an indication that you either need to do it a different way or select new coaches to take part.
Jon Sicotte said…
Let's just remember that it's only two weeks...this poll will settle once a few league games are played. I like the idea of weighing the sports staff, maybe Andy and I can get 20 for first...etc...that would give an ultimate total of 80 points if unanimous...good idea. I can't implement it this season...but next year is a good idea.

That, and one coach did not send his picks in due to Labor Day weekend (I hope?) that kind of skewed things...

When I worked in the U.P., we let the media do the poll...much cleaner...then again, you got the guys from the west (Bessemer, Ontonagon, Hancock) vs. the guys from the central (Marquette, Negaunee, Iron Mt., Esky) and then the guys from the East (St. Ignace, Soo, Pickford..), so things got dicey there too.

It's all speculation anyway...but it's fun to talk about.

My question about this poll would be why is Garber even included in this poll? They do not consider themselves a Thumb school. Heck for that matter Birch Run is a stretch. I seriously doubt if many people from Essexville read the TCA, so why should they be included in your poll. You did not include that school in any of your Fall Sports previews, so what gives them the right to be included in any Top 10's in the TCA.

In my humble non-professional opinion, I think mumbles poll almost hits the nail on the head, with the exception of the Dukes. Move everybody up one spot from there and then take your pick for #10 from North Huron, Peck, or Marlette.
Andrew Selich said…
The poll includes all the teams from the four conferences in the TCA coverage area....TVC-E, GTE, GTW, and NCTL. That's why Garber and BR are in the Top Ten, along with Harbor Beach. We didn't want to do a top ten with just our 13 teams...
Mumbles poll is pretty good...I would probably drop Deckerville to 10 and bump the others up a spot...but that's my opinion.
Thank you for the explaination but I still do not like it. I just think you should concentrate on the 13 area teams you cover. At least Harbor Beach is in the Thumb.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Christian. There are/were some readers in Essexville. That's from previous personal experience. I'd gotten glowing comments from Duke fans regarding the coverage in the TCA. I doubt that immediately stopped, either.

Maybe another staffer at the TCA can vote to balance it out from the coaches and the TCA staff. Three coaches and three staffers. Someone who knows something about the schools in the leagues, hopefully someone who's watched a game or two.

Just a suggestion.
Anonymous said…
I don’t envy anyone who must rank high school football teams after only one or two games. Since it’s impossible to physically see many of the teams, one is probably forced to compare scores, opponents and guess based on recent historical records.

I’d have to say that the most impressive win to-date may be Frankenmuth’s victory over Swan Valley. Swan Valley defeated Hemlock in the second week by a similar score to that of Hemlock’s loss to Reese. However, Reese just edged Bay City All Saints, who in week one lost to that football juggernaut Valley Lutheran.

Harbor Beach beat U.S.A. last week, which on the surface may be impressive, but remember, in week one, the Pirates just squeaked by “powerhouse” Bad Axe.

Millington and Birch Run both have two wins, but their opponents won-loss records currently stand at 1-7. And the one win was a North Branch victory over Imlay City. And everyone knows the Spartans haven’t been the class of the Blue Water in recent years.

My point? You have a difficult task ranking teams this early in the year. But the Peck thing is surprising to me as well. Geez, I wonder what the spread would be if the Pirates matched up with the Port Hope soccer team?
Rick Glaza said…
Peck in a land slide...........Pt. Hope doesn't field a soccer team :)
Anonymous said…
Well Rick, that's ok. Old guys from Milington don't understand the lure of soccer anyway. Best wishes.
Neither do young guys from Millington
Millington 14 North Branch 0 Half
Reese 35 BAd Axe 6 Half
Kingston 14 Memphis 0 Half
Ubly 21 Mayville 6 2nd Qtr
Franeknmuth 6 Birch Run 2nd Qtr
Live from North Branch Press Box

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