New coach for Vulcans, and looking forward to Saturday

Leveille moving on. Initial news reports surfaced last week that Vassar football coach Vince Leveille has accepted a new job to be an assistant at SVSU and will thus be leaving the Vulcans sidelines after ten years.
Hopefully, I will have more on this story in this weekends Advertiser.
Over the last two years, I have had many dealings with Leveille while covering Vassar football, and I don't believe there's a nicer man in this area.
He was always polite and well spoken in interviews, even after a tough loss, which is something that every sports writer appreciates.
Leveille came into a tough situation at Vassar and has done a pretty decent job with a traditionally unstable program.
Leveille took over a team ten years ago that was coming off of back-to-back winless seasons, and took them into the 2003 playoffs with an 8-1 record and one TVE title in the same year (co-champs with Caro).
He will stay on as assistant vice principal at the high school while he ventures into new territory at SVSU.
As far as who the new coach will be....I have an idea but until I can confirm the rumor, I'll just leave it up to pure speculation.

Baseball season under way. Finally, after all the rain and snow has finally gone away, the area's baseball teams have taken to the fields.
First impression of area teams is that Reese looks tough. They won the Frankenmuth Invite two weeks ago and I would say they are the favs in this weekends Tuscola County Tournament. USA is solid, which doesn't surprise me, given the man at the helm of the Patriots machine. I've known Jason Beagle since Kindergarten, played high school baseball and football with him, and I can't imagine a more intelligent and competent coach. Beagle has built a good program, and even with all the losses from a year ago, I wouldn't be shocked if the Pats make the County finals this Saturday in Vassar.
I saw Vassar yesterday dismantle Bad Axe. The Vulcans are the defending County champs and they look real good again this year. This Saturday should be filled with some good baseball...I just hope the snow and rain stay away.

And the girls too. I'm also going to be paying close attention to the goings on at the softball field on Saturday. USA is not going to be there, so that opens the field wide open for Vassar, Mayville and Cass City.
Those three should be the ones battling it out, while Caro and Reese also just might make it through.
Millington has a new coach who is still getting to know his team, so I doubt they will win the tourney.

Lions all set to disapoint. Does it matter what the Lions do this weekend with the number two pick in the NFL draft? Here's betting they blow it once again.


I would not count the Lions out yet. Calvin Johnson should be the pick.

As for the former Vassar coach, it will be good news for Vassar and bad news for SVSU. From my vantage point, the Vassar football teams have been passive and non-emotional. That may spell bad news for the Cardinals.

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