MHSAA going bankrupt?

I will borrow a partial statement from the Rev. Wright, "...the MHSAA's chickens is coming home to roost." Read the Detroit News article by Fred Girard here. The MHSAA very well could have sent themselves to extinction by being so bull-headed and stubborn. This whole thing could have been finished way back in 2002-2003, and for a whole lot less money. If Jack Roberts can not find a way to pay Kristen Galles in installments, we may very well be looking at the begining of the end of the MHSAA. With a debt of $7,401,000 by the end of the day today and increasing $1,000 every day the debt is not paid in full, and assets of only $6 million, I do not see this ending in a good way for the MHSAA. The AAAM may have a few more than 100 schools join their ranks by July.


Despite what the forums are saying, the MHSAA insurance will pay for both the MHSAA fees and the wack-job parent legal fees.

As much as people want to rip on the MHSAA, they do as the schools want. I don't think the other "new" athletic association will fly, as teams who enter that in some sports will become ineligible to participate in MHSAA tournaments in any sport.
Anonymous said…
I find it hard to believe that the women that started the lawsuit haven't been run out of the state - or worse.
That is actually a good question. Where are the women who orginally brought the suit? I will have to do some work to try to find something out.
Anonymous said…
Christian: A very insightful take, but may I take a slight disagreement with the analysis?

Some issues are worth the fight, and this was one. Michigan had an outstanding system that balanced both boys & girl’s sports prior to this court involvement. Added to that was the legal challenge to the independence and decision making authority of the member schools.

Sometimes you have to stop bending over and fight for a principal, and to me, this was worthy of the challenge. At least that's how I felt as a parent (of girls no less).

However you are correct that the legal fees may doom the MHSAA as we know it. Just because a couple of ticked off mothers.

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